At 11 wks, the accuracy is only approx. This means that if you rely solely on Nub Theory for gender prediction, there is a significant chance that you could be wrong. I've come across the nub theory and am intrigued. We ask if. 0. A day can truly make all the difference. 5-12 weeks, it increased quite a bit to 75. All about nub theory! Between 12 - 14 weeks gestation, baby’s gender can possibly be determined based on…The ultrasound place keeps saying boy from 15 weeks to 18 weeks but imma have it confirm in 2 weeks at my anatomy scan so i can get an "ok" from the doctors lol Michaela19 Last edited 09-14-16Hello! I was hoping that you mum's could share ur experience of 12 week scan- was the 'nub' theory accurate for you when. Sam S(746) 10/07/2019 at 2:26 pm. 3% at 11 weeks to as high as 98. 7% (67/99), which is comparable to the accuracies obtained for other. THE NUB THEORY EXPLAINED The nub theory is a medical term used by healthcare professionals to identify the baby’s gender from around 12 weeks in gestation. A. Skull theory is a popular gender predictor method that uses the features you see on an early ultrasound to determine your baby's sex. Opens a. Jade T (18) 12 week scan then confirmed boy at 20 weeks (even though everyone guessed girl from this scan pic lol!) Majority of people guessed girl from my photo too and it was a lil boy!The accuracy of the nub theory is dependent on the timing of the ultrasound. 13/08/2015 at 5:38 pm. 14,289. Find out in the new year for sure 🥰. 3. L. If a trained professional tries nub theory at 11 weeks of pregnancy, it is only 70 percent accurate, and when done at 12 weeks, it is 85 percent accurate. Chinese calendar- correct at 4 weeks2. If I had to have a guess I’d guess boy. Depending on how far along you are in the pregnancy, the gender of your baby can be determined more accurately. Since nubs typically rise, move from a more girly-appearing nub to a boy nub. that's why I just go with the flow and don't pay any silly old theory any attention. no theory is ever 100% accurate. Could go either way :) 06-29-23 by amyjoy85. However, a 12 week ultrasound is the. The accuracy rate for 12 weeks is 92%. The nub theory is basically about 'the angle of the dangle'. I have a 6 month old little boy I was hoping for a little girl but when I saw my little boy yesterday before. Cort20. Nub theory. However, there's a catch. 0. It’s no longer considered a theory because it’s actually a very accurate method for determining gender, as long as it’s at least 12 weeks. Nub theory is the most accurate gender predictor around!. 06/03/2018 at 2:40 pm. Interested to hear if anyone who has found out the gender had incorrect nub theory guesses. Said she was 60% sure it would be correct. I got my NextGen results this past Friday and it's confirmed baby girl. cindynorl. Do you have a scan pic with the nub showing? #2 30mummyof1, Aug 12, 2011. 0. 12/11/2014 at 5:03 pm. Report. Jmommy Well-Known Member. 11 weeks with a good nub shot. The accuracy of male gender assignment in this group was 99-100% at all ages, and that of female gender assignment was 91. 3% by week 13! How to Use The Nub Theory to Predict The Gender of a Baby? As mentioned, an ultrasound or a scan is the first step to being able to use the nub theory and determine the gender of the fetus. It was reliable for me, defo looked like a boy at 13 wks and he is! I read somewhere at 13wks it is the most accurate time to check the nub, especially if its looking like a boy. At 13 weeks the accuracy rate is. Now backed by science, the nub theory can boast a 99. The ultrasound does have to be at least 12 weeks for an accurate guess, less than that it’s closer to a 50/50 guess 😊. 9 answers / Last post: 23/05/2019 at 11:14 am. 554 subscribers in the nubtheory community. At 12 weeks the accuracy rate is about 92%. Determine the nub angle. How accurate would this be so early? #1 Jmommy, Jan 26, 2012. The big difference between them at that gestation was that she was not near as rounded in the body as they were. 13w6d boy nub. That being said, I had my NT scan at 11+4 and the nub theory was right for both babies (one boy, one girl). Feb 10, 2023 at 4:18 PM. If. Our Queens specialize in early ultrasound gender predictions using the highly accurate Nub theory from 12 to 14 weeks. Could go either way hun, the nub theory is certainly not fool proof but after 13 weeks is a lot more accurate - well worth posting on baby nub or in gender! X. Some experts think they can use subtle differences. NIPT- correct at 12 weeks5. We are team yellow but feel our surprise has been ruined by nub theory. @Bre0221 The nub theory didn't work for me. Experts combine the ultrasound scan with the screening tests for assessing any kind of abnormalities in the fetus. Just curious how accurate nub theory was for those who already know gender? I tried to see if there was already a post about this, but couldn't find anything. Ashamed_Bike_9611. But we don’t recommend committing to a gender-based nursery decor theme until you’ve had your full anatomy scan and a. Discover the sex of your baby before anyone else! From the 6th week of pregnancy our specialized staff will analyze your ultrasounds and use one your chosen baby gender predictor theory to determine the gender of your baby. After this pregnancy milestone, male nubs will raise over 30 degrees in comparison to the angle of the spine. The gender experts are renowned for getting it wrong but unfortunately people are so desperate to know they will pay to see what people think. What does the nub mean on a 12 week scan? Nub theory indicating a girl The nub isn’t pointing up more than 30 degrees from the baby’s spine – in fact it’s almost horizontal – so. There's a group Early Prediction Ultrasound Nub Theory or something similar. 12 weeks + 5 any ideas on gender?. Anonymous. That said, the average reliability of the nub theory currently stands at more than 90 percent. But if said trained professional tries nub theory at 11 weeks of pregnancy, it’s only around 70 percent accurate, and when done at 12 weeks, it’s about 85 percent accurate. Hi everyone :))) I am sooo curious about my baby gender! Could anyone help me with the nub? Boy or girl? Thank you . I wouldn't even know what I was looking at Haha! I like. Thread: How accurate is nub theory at 10+4 weeks? Thread Tools. A boy has a ‘nub’ that’s angled more than 30° degrees. Every baby has a "nub" protrusion that looks kind of like a penis at 12-14 weeks, and they say if the nub is angled up it's a boy and if it's flat and parallel to the spine it's a girl. At 13 weeks the accuracy rate is. Unfortunately, research into the theory's accuracy is lacking. "There is no evidence that it works," reiterates Dr Philippa. Oh, I can tell you why they said 80% though: around week 12 you can tell the gender with an 80% accuracy, at 13 weeks with 95% and so on. clearly having done so previously. Nub Theory. 3%. In a follow-up study of 656 pregnancies, sonographers were again perfectly accurate by 13 weeks. By RebeccaJ4. Anonymous. 2. 6% accurate… so there’s still a chance! Report as Inappropriate. However, Rachel advises caution when it comes to relying on this method for determining gender. No - there’s no solid scientific research into whether or not nub theory actually works, and that’s because most medics claim it’s just too early to accurately predict a baby’s sex at 12 weeks. "It’s said it works 50% of the time - that’s as good as guessing - so I wouldn. Anonymous. Nub theory is about 97 percent accurate, but only when performed by a trained scientist or doctor at 13 weeks or later, research indicates. a. Jul 7, 2023 at 3:54 AM. The Nub Theory can help you discover your baby's gender at the 12-week scan, all you need is your first ultrasound. Tubercle pointed towards the baby’s head means a boy and it pointing downwards means a girl (1) . We were told girl at 13 weeks, I then compared the ultrasound with our daughters from 4 years ago and the nubs looked almost identical. I've seen a few be wrong Even when lots of people have been sure it's one gender. So if u r 12 weeks, there is still a good chance it could be wrong! Also depends on how curled up/flat baby is. It’s not a predictor, however, and can be wrong. This means that, although the accuracy of the Ramzi theory at 11 weeks is not high, we are able to combine it with other gender prediction methods like nub and skull. These results indicate that invasive. My babies scan is clearly shaped a forked but not as big as yours. In answer to. crochetcircle - haha there goes my theory. The nub theory is 99% accurate with them is it? I sent my 8 week scan to them for the ramzi theory lol and came back 80% boy, so we’ll see end of this month in the scan are they right. Use The Nub Whisperer's to find out the gender using your very own ultrasounds scans from just 12 weeks! This is an earlier than normally insight! by viewing the genitalia from a transverse view, ( Nub theory) although not a theory anymore! we can see the development changes much earlier!All babies have "nubs" before they turn into a penis or vagina. Female nubs on the other hand will remain almost parallel to the spine. I had no idea until this morning what the Nub theory was all about. Nub theory is 99. Even before that my gut was. roselane. 9% accurate The Nub Theory. Sep 7, 2021I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and my dating scan is a week today so maybe I'll have a better chance at guesses then! [emoji51][emoji4] x I got a very clear nub shot at exactly 13 weeks, so fingers crossed baby is in a good position for a nub shot xAdvertisement. If this old-fashioned gender test is to be believed, a little boy will be very inquisitive in your growing pregnant belly if you're having a girl. ☺️. An ultrasound performed at 12 weeks is around 80 percent accurate while a scan conducted at 13 weeks may be closer to 94 percent accurate. I wanted to ask how accurate is the nub theory and whether any of you have had one gender guessed based on the nub theory but it turned out to be the opposite gender at the 20 week scan? Can a babies nub continue to rise or go down after 13 weeks because it’s not fully developed and is still developing? I sent off my ultrasound photos to. How accurate is nub theory at 12 weeks?At our 12 week scan the sonographer guessed the gender with nub theory. At 11. 9% accuracy, this is only when analysed by a professional nub enthusiast like ourselves. 12 answers / Last post: 24/06/2017 at 3:07 pm. Neither did the Ramzi method (judging placement of the placenta at about 8 weeks) A close family friend is a sonographer so I've had several ultrasounds thus far. Confirmed then at 20. 3% at 11 weeks to 98. 554 subscribers in the nubtheory community. Anything below. Labanks7. While the accuracy rate was just 71. That sounds pretty dang good, however, you have to keep the size of your baby and the development into consideration. Yes. Anonymous. ” Using this method, the sonographer looks at whether the tubercle is pointing up toward the baby’s head, which indicates a boy, or whether it. but you're right I was also under the impression that UCL does tell the sex. I'm 13+1 weeks and the scan was very clear. Sex determination accuracy improves with an increase in gestational age starting from week 11 to 13+ 6. Some experts claim up to 88 per cent accuracy using the technique - making it more effective than the 75 per cent of parents who said their 20-week scan correctly predicted their baby’s sex. I thought at the time I was about 10 and a half but they measured little one at 12 weeks. I go in next week for bloodwork. The tech said she was 75% sure it was a girl due to the profile image (nub theory) and when she turned to see the potty shot she then said she was now 85% sure. Nub theory guess. At this point in pregnancy, using the angle of the genital tubercle is more accurate than trying to detect the labia or testes, the method commonly used to determine gender in the second trimester. The nub theory is one of many gender theories. Skull theory is a gender prediction method that some claim can show you if you're having a boy or a girl from a 12-week ultrasound scan picture. The results of this research determined indicated it was possible to reliably determine a baby’s sex as early as 12-14 weeks with an accuracy of 96. This is because the genitalia develops during this time and can be seen on an ultrasound. 9 %. Nub theory is based on the idea that it's possible to tell which type of nub your baby has using a scan image from 12 weeks. In the above picture, the nub appears to be at a much steeper angle from the spine, indicating that this could be a baby boy. no one can know for sure until it pops out. All nubs start off looking long, smooth tubular and around 12 weeks gestation when the genitals start to form. you won't even know you're having a boy or girl for sure until they're born. Nub theory is about 97 percent accurate, but only when performed by a trained scientist or doctor at 13 weeks or later, research indicates. Home; Chat. Like. One Theory. At 12 weeks, the accuracy rate is 91%; At 13 weeks, the accuracy rate is 94%; But - and it's a big but - these results are based on scan pictures taken at exactly. We found out this week we are having a girl! I was sure it was a boy, but I wanted a girl so badly. I wanted to ask how accurate is the nub theory and whether any of you have had one gender guessed based on the nub theory but it turned out to be the opposite gender at the 20 week scan? Can a babies nub continue to rise or go down after 13 weeks because it’s not fully developed and is still developing? I sent off my ultrasound photos to The. I could see that the nub was clearly pointing upwards and instantly thought boy. I was wondering what the spanner type fork thing was!!!!!!! NUB. the nub theory is supposed to be how should I explain lol you don't actually see boy or girl bits but at the end of the body there is like a little stub that I think if it points straight it is a girl and if it kinda curves or points up it is a boy and many people have looked at this then made a prediction and it has been right, I did this with my 12 week scan. The most effective form of early gender determination at 11. Nov 4, 2014 at 12:24 PM. During the 13th week, the accuracy level increases to 97 per cent. At 11 weeks the accuracy rate of sex determination is 71. That was our 12+4 day scan. I read that at 11 wks its 68 percent accurate and at 12 weeks its 88 percent accurate apparantly. Podcasts; Newsletters; Sections. Nub. 0. I have a great nub shot but I. Nub theory is about 90% accurate after 12 weeks gestation. A study conducted in 2006 found that biological sex could be predicted at 85% accuracy by 12 weeks and 97% accuracy by 13 weeks. I think it's accuracy depends on a few things 1: how many weeks you are most accurate is between 12&13 wks before 12 and the nub can change quite a lot 2: angle of the picture if baby is turned away or curved slightly can make nub look completely. Results were less accurate for fetuses younger than 12 weeks, with an overall success rate of 54%. Any nub guesses on baby? This is 13 wk exactly. I have used it twice- dc2 there was no nub imaged, I was told girl at 20 weeks and he was, in fact, a boy Current pregnancy tried again and was told girl nub but at every scan since (having regular scans due to complications), I've been. Though it examines a different part of the body, both the nub and skull theory claim accuracy as early as 12 weeks gestation. (Confirmed by The Nubologists. However, the shape looks more like a boy. This is commonly referred to as a “nub. Your 12-week scan and skull theory. The nub theory wasn’t accurate for us. For those with confirmed genders, soo curious to know how accurate was your 12 week nub theory!It has to be a clear nub shot too. Hope to get more confirmed nubs so others can also compare! Like. 5 weeks and everyone keeps saying its nub is clearly a girl because it points completely parallel with the spine. Conclusion: Prenatal gender assignment by ultrasound has a high accuracy rate at 12-14 weeks. Nearly fell off the bed when the sonographer told me she was 99. 7% at 12 weeks, and 100% at 13 weeks. At 12 weeks, we may be able to use ultrasound to determine gender based on the angle of the genital tubercle. By 14 weeks it's something like 80-90% accurate. ” This is sometimes called “nub theory. 09/03/2019 at 4:45 pm. How Does Nub Theory Help to Evaluate the Health of the Fetus? Since the nub theory does not include any medical procedure other than the ultrasound scan, it is not easy to determine or evaluate the health of the fetus only through ultrasound scans. Our 7 week u/s looked like a boy according to the Ramzi theory. 99 $ 13. ” If the nub is angled upward, the gender is likely male.